
What Is Necrophilia? Did Jeffrey Dahmer Eat Hearts?

Necrophilia is a psychiatric disorder characterized by sexual attraction to corpses.

Although the term is often used in popular culture to refer to people who have sex with corpses, necrophilia is actually a much broader phenomenon that can include everything from kissing and fondling to intercourse. 

Some people who engage in necrophilia behavior do so because they find dead bodies more aesthetically pleasing than living ones, while others are motivated by power or control.

Still others believe that they can experience a more intense level of intimacy with a corpse than with a living person. 

Jeffrey Dahmer, one of America’s most notorious serial killers, was a self-proclaimed necrophile who claimed to have had sex with the corpses of some of his victims.

While most necrophiles don’t resort to murder, their behavior can still be extremely disturbing and poses a serious risk of infection and disease.

Is Necrophilia A Crime?

Necrophilia is defined as sexual attraction to or sexual contact with corpses. In the United States, there is no federal law against necrophilia, although some states have laws that prohibit the desecration of human remains. 

As a result, necrophiliacs typically only face legal consequences if they engage in criminal actions in order to obtain a corpse, such as kidnapping or murder.

However, even if a necrophiliac does not break any laws in obtaining a corpse, they could still be charged with trespass if they access private property in order to satisfy their desires. 

Therefore, while necrophilia itself is not technically a crime in the United States, there are still several potential legal repercussions that necrophiliacs may face.

Did Jeffrey Dahmer Eat Human Hearts?

Many details of Dahmer’s crimes were not made public until after his arrest, but one of the most gruesome rumors was that he had eaten the hearts of some of his victims. 

This rumor was further perpetuated by an interview with Dahmer’s father, Lionel, in which he claimed that his son had told him he had eaten human hearts. 

However, it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence that Dahmer ever actually consumed human flesh. 

It is possible that this rumor started due to the fact that Dahmer dismembered many of his victims and kept their body parts in his freezer, leading some to believe he may have eaten them. 

However, there has never been any conclusive proof that Dahmer ever took this horrific step. While the rumor may never be definitively proved or disproved, the very idea that Jeffrey Dahmer may have consumed human hearts is enough to send chills down anyone’s spine.

Was Dahmer’s Father To Be Blamed For His Somehow Necrophilic Behavior?

It is difficult to say whether or not Dahmer’s father can be blamed for his son’s later necrophilic behavior. 

On the one hand, it could be argued that Dahmer’s father was negligent in his parenting, which may have contributed to Dahmer’s later problems. For example, Dahmer’s father was an alcoholic and was often absent from the family home. 

This may have left Dahmer feeling neglected and led him to seek attention from other sources, such as corpses. 

Additionally, Dahmer’s father was reportedly a very strict and punitive parent, which may have caused Dahmer to feel repressed and unable to express himself. On the other hand, it could be argued that Dahmer’s father cannot be held responsible for his son’s later actions. 

After all, necrophilia is a very rare disorder and it is unclear what causes it. Additionally, Dahmer did not exhibit any necrophiliac tendencies until he was an adult, so it is possible that his father had no impact on his later behavior. Ultimately, it is difficult to say whether or not Dahmer’s father can be blamed for his son’s necrophilia.


Brenda Moya

Update: 2024-05-07