
Celebrity High Rollers: Inside the Lavish World of Big Casino Winnings

Top Casino Online And Slot Online To Play To Get Entertain

Casinos have always been a hangout place for the rich and famous. From Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra to Toby Maguire and 50 Cent, celebrities have always enjoyed the Las Vegas gambling experience.

Dropping $100,000 on roulette might seem like a lot of money to the average casino player. But this is pocket change to a celebrity who makes over $100M a year.

In this article, we’ll highlight the top 10 celebrities who bet and often win big at casinos. Most of them bet through land-based casinos in Las Vegas.

But if you’re a Canadian who would like to experience the thrill of high-stakes gambling, here is a list of recommended high-roller online casinos for your consideration. 

Tobey Maguire: Won Over $10M Playing Poker

For some Marvel fans, Tobey Maguire is the best Spiderman actor ever. Maguire is also one of the best poker players in the world. This is according to Phil Hellmuth, a top-10-rated poker professional.

According to Hellmuth—who’s won over $26 million in poker—Maguire could become a legitimate poker professional if he wanted to. Maguire plays the card game mostly in private home tournaments in Hollywood.

But occasionally, he also participates in high roller casino tournaments in Las Vegas. Maguire once won $95,480 at a poker event hosted by Phill Hellmuth. Overall, he’s won over $10 million.

Dana White

Dana White is the president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). He’s worth over $500 million, making him a prime candidate for high roller games. Although Dana often gets criticized for underpaying his fighters, he has no issues spending more than a million dollars in Las Vegas.

Back in 2012, White was one of the biggest celebrity high rollers at the Palms Casino. Palms would often host UFC events while Dana would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars gambling in there in his free time.

The Las Vegas Review Journal once published an article saying Dana would often tip staff at Palms tens of thousands of dollars per night. But then, the casino cut his credit card one day and he cut ties with them for good.

That being said, Dana didn’t quit gambling. He’s posted his huge casino winnings on social media a few times. According to the Mirror, Dana once won $7 million at a Las Vegas casino.

Ben Affleck

Famous for his leading roles in Armageddon, Argo, Batman, and Pearl Harbor, Ben Affleck needs no introduction. Although he has a busy schedule that includes spending time with his family Affleck is no stranger in Las Vegas.

The New York Post once reported that Ben Affleck used to be a frequent client for the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas. Blackjack was his favorite casino game. He was so good at it that the casino banned him.

Wait, why would they do that? Affleck used to win money by counting cards in blackjack. It’s not illegal. But if you win too much, some casinos will chase you away. This is exactly what happened to Affleck, who had won $800,000 and $140,000 at two different occasions at the casino.

Sultan of Brunei

Hassanah Bolkiah, better known as the Sultan of Brunei, is famous around the world for just being rich. He’s so rich that the paparazzi are always following him around to document his lavish lifestyle.

From buying high-end cars to rearing exotic animals, the Sultan spends more money a month than most people earn in their lifetimes. Unsurprisingly, part of the Sultan’s lavish lifestyle involves spending big money inside casinos.

During one visit in Las Vegas, it was alleged that the billionaire would spend $1 million a day gambling in Las Vegas. Surprisingly, his ex-wife—Mariam Aziz—had a similar habit.

After divorcing the Sultan in 2003 and acquiring nearly $5 billion from the settlement that followed, Ms. Aziz developed an expensive gambling habit in London. She would spend nearly the entire day gambling, spending up to $1 million per night.


Not every celebrity high roller wins a lot of money in Las Vegas. Some of them splash tens of thousands of dollars. But they rarely win big. Nelly is an excellent example.

After his hip-hop career fizzled, Nelly pivoted into a part-time career in poker. In 2013, Nelly revealed his poker career wasn’t exactly a success. His bluffs would get called a lot more often compared to his competitors.

He didn’t lose hope, though. The ‘Dilemma’ hitmaker has appeared in several World Series of Poker tournaments. 

Floyd Mayweather

So far, we’ve talked about celebrities who visit casinos to splurge on poker, blackjack and roulette. Although Mayweather enjoys these casino games too, he prefers to bet on sports.

Mayweather’s biggest bet was at the 2013 NBA playoffs. He wagered $5.9 million on Miami Heat to beat the Indiana Pacers and won over $5 million in return. The famous boxer bets on virtually all sports.

He once bet $720,000 on the Colts to beat the Jaguars in an NFL match. He won over $1.4 million. Interestingly, Money Man once attempted to bet on himself in his bout against Connor McGregor.

Unfortunately, M&M Resort made him wait while the executives tried to figure out if the bet would be legal. In the end, Mayweather got impatient and left.

50 Cent

Rappers love to live like royalty. And part of the lavish lifestyle involves splashing hundreds of thousands of dollars at the casinos. 50 Cent is no different. The rapper-turned-movie producer has been spotted playing blackjack and poker with his pals several times.

50 Cent also loves to risk it big on his favorite sports franchises. For example, he wagered $500,000 on the New York Giants to defeat the San Francisco Giants in 2011 and won.

The following week, rapper Birdman challenged his buddies to join him in backing the Giants to win the Super Bowl. 50 Cent gambled $1 million on the Giants. They defeated the New England Patriots and 50 Cent walked away with a $1 million profit.

Battle of the Rays: UPF vs SPF for Sun Safety

Battle of the Rays: UPF vs SPF for Sun Safety

Are you a sun worshipper who wants to learn more about how to protect yourself from the harsh rays of the sun when playing or working outside?

There are two terms you should get familiar with. While most of us are familiar with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) in the context of sunscreen, UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) is gaining recognition, particularly in the realm of clothing and accessories.

In this article, we will explore the battle of the rays – UPF vs SPF – and unravel the intricacies of these sun protection measures to help you make informed choices for comprehensive sun safety.

Understanding SPF

SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, is a measure of how effectively a sunscreen protects the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. UVB rays are responsible for causing sunburn, and prolonged exposure can contribute to skin aging and increase the risk of skin cancer.

How Does SPF Work?

The SPF number indicates the level of protection a sunscreen provides against UVB rays. For example, an SPF 30 sunscreen theoretically allows you to stay in the sun 30 times longer without burning than if you were unprotected.

However, this is a rough estimate, as individual skin types and conditions can vary.

SPF Limitations

SPF primarily addresses UVB protection but may not offer comprehensive coverage against UVA rays, which contribute to premature aging and can also play a role in skin cancer. 

Achieving the stated SPF requires proper and thorough application, often in larger quantities than people tend to use. Inadequate or uneven application can reduce the effectiveness of the sunscreen. 

Sunscreen effectiveness diminishes over time due to factors such as sweating, swimming, and natural skin oils. Regular reapplication is crucial for maintaining protection.

Introducing UPF

Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) is a measure of how effectively clothing, fabrics, and accessories shield the skin from both UVA and UVB rays. UPF is commonly associated with sun protection clothing, hats, and accessories.

How Does UPF Work?

Similar to SPF, UPF indicates the level of sun protection a fabric provides. For example, a fabric with UPF 50 allows only 1/50th of UV radiation to pass through. UPF takes into account both UVA and UVB rays, offering a more comprehensive approach to sun protection.

UPF Advantages

UPF-rated fabrics are designed to offer protection against both UVA and UVB rays, addressing a wider spectrum of potential skin damage.

Unlike sunscreen, which may require frequent reapplication, UPF protection remains consistent as long as the fabric is worn and not compromised (e.g., by stretching, wetness, or wear).

UPF eliminates the need for repeated application, making it a convenient option for those who may forget or find sunscreen application cumbersome.

Considerations for Sunscreen (SPF)

Different skin types may have varying sensitivities to sun exposure. Individuals with fair skin may require a higher SPF for adequate protection.

Sunscreen is versatile and can be applied to different parts of the body, including the face. Specific products cater to facial use, offering features like non-comedogenic formulations and compatibility with makeup.

When engaging in water activities, it’s essential to choose a water-resistant sunscreen and reapply it after swimming or sweating.

Sunscreen is easily portable and can be reapplied throughout the day as needed. It’s a convenient option for on-the-go sun protection.

Considerations for Sun-Protective Clothing (UPF)

UPF clothing is an excellent choice for extended sun exposure, especially in situations where constant reapplication of sunscreen may be challenging. Or if you know that you are the forgetful kind. 

For outdoor activities like hiking, golfing, or gardening, UPF clothing provides consistent protection without the need for frequent sunscreen application.

Individuals with sensitive skin or conditions aggravated by certain sunscreen ingredients may find UPF clothing to be a gentler and more comfortable alternative.

UPF clothing is a popular choice for children and infants, offering a reliable sun protection solution without the concerns associated with sunscreen application on young skin.

Tips for Effective Sun Protection

It isn’t enough to put sunscreen on once a day and think you are going to be protected. Too many people are not using sun protection properly, be it UPF, SPF, or both. Here are some tips for you:

Combine Methods

For comprehensive sun protection, consider combining methods. Use sunscreen on exposed skin and complement it with UPF-rated clothing for enhanced coverage. 

Mindful Clothing Choices

When selecting clothing for sun protection, opt for tightly woven fabrics with a dark color. These generally provide better protection than light-colored or loosely woven clothing.

Accessories Matter

Don’t forget accessories like hats and sunglasses. Choose hats with wide brims and sunglasses with UV protection to shield your face and eyes from the sun. 

Seek Shade

When possible, seek shade during peak sunlight hours (usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.). This reduces direct sun exposure and minimizes the need for constant sun protection measures.

Regular Skin Checks

Stay vigilant about changes in your skin, such as new moles or spots. Regular skin checks and professional dermatological examinations are crucial for early detection of potential skin issues.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration plays a role in skin health. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps maintain skin elasticity and supports overall well-being. Carry a water bottle around with you (BPA-free, please), and take sips regularly. 

Also, pay attention to the color of your pee, and if it’s dark yellow, then drink more water. It’s the easiest way to take care of your body and your skin. Remember, hydration is key to many chemical reactions in your body.

UPF vs SPF – Find the Best Way To Protect Yourself

You know yourself best, so you need to choose between UPF vs SPF based on that knowledge. If you know that you aren’t good at reapplying sunscreen then cover up using clothes with UV protection. 

If you are on top of putting on sunscreen and applying it every 2 hours, then that’s your protection method of choice. 

Also, check out related articles on our website so you can stay informed on all the latest trending topics. There’s no need to get left behind in conversations with your friends.

Learn More about Jaw Disorders and Their Treatment Options

Learn More about Jaw Disorders and Their Treatment Options

Have you ever been told that you grind your teeth while asleep? Or notice that you clench your jaws while awake? Known as bruxism, this happens unconsciously. Although not connected, it can cause a closely related condition known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.

These conditions can cause effects such as persistent jaw aches, which will disrupt your life. This insightful article delves into the reasons to learn about these conditions and treatment options.

Unraveling the Complexity of Jaw Disorders

For starters, learning about jaw disorders and treatment options will help you know the signs and symptoms to look for. Recognizing those subtle indicators prevents worsening and potential complications. A better understanding of such conditions helps craft interventions such as Botox TMJ, which can alleviate TMJ dysfunction. However, when seeking the treatment, ensure that you do so from approved professionals. 

Understanding the Physical and Emotional Toll

It is expected to downplay conditions like TMJ dysfunction due to misunderstanding of severity. You can also dismiss it as temporary stress-related discomfort. Unfortunately, this can lead to a late diagnosis, which puts you at risk. Learning about the conditions from various platforms will help you understand physical and emotional tolls such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Dental issues
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Decreased life quality

With this knowledge, you will know the importance of frequent dental checkups to help early detection. You will also be ready for treatment if need be. 

Improved Patient-Dentist Communication

Communication between you and the dentist about your condition can be daunting if you are green on what they are talking about. This is because most of it will be jargon to you. Learning about the conditions will improve your communication with the dentist because you will have an idea of what they are speaking about. Furthermore, it fosters collaboration in care, which contributes to successful outcomes in your journey to healthy jaws.

Navigating the Path to Long-Term Oral Health

Oral health is not one thing, and disorders like bruxism and TMJ can recur if you don’t take care of your oral health. Learning about them and gaining a better understanding will help you in navigating the path to long-term oral health. This is because you will know about the risk factors and proactive measures to take to prevent the recurrence. With this knowledge, you will know when to seek medical attention.

Informed Decision-Making for Treatment Options

Learning about these conditions will help you in making informed decisions when choosing treatment options such as Botox TMJ. You will be better placed to discuss it with your dentist, ask relevant questions, and select approaches that align with your preference. As a result, you will have a better chance of getting well fast because of collaboration and your input in the process.

Jaw disorders like bruxism are common, although lesser known, due to a lack of awareness. Unfortunately, their effects can impact your life negatively. That’s why it is essential to use the information you have read here and learn about them. Doing so will prevent the risk of the conditions worsening and impacting your well-being.

Different Shampoo Types: Which One is Right for You?

Different Shampoo Types: Which One is Right for You?

Prior to picking a hair shampoo, it is vital to understand what it does, how it relates to your scalp and hair type, and how to use it. You might easily conclude that a shampoo is strictly formulated for hair cleansing.

But it’s also vital to consider your scalp when picking the right shampoo type. A good shampoo product is formulated to cleanse both your scalp and hair of oil, dirt, and haircare product build-up.

Think of it in this manner – conditioner is for the ends of your hair, while shampoo is for the roots and scalp. In terms of haircare routines, one type definitely doesn’t fit all. You may need to go several days in between your washings.

On the other hand, those with oilier strands may need to wash each day. From clarifying and moisturizing to volumizing and thickening shampoo bar options which type best suits your hair and scalp? Let’s dive deeper into the world of shampoos to identify the perfect match for your hair.

Thickening Shampoo

Just like everyday/normal shampoo, thickening shampoo is used to wash hair. However, thickening shampoo products are specifically designed to create the look of thicker, fuller, individual hair strands.

If you’re suffering from hair thinning, an issue caused by hair follicle miniaturization, a thickening shampoo might be the perfect option for you. Miniaturization takes place when your hair shafts become increasingly thinner over time. This leads to the look of a limp and weak hair head.

Hair thickening shampoo products are formulated to fight against this major problem using an array of active ingredients to plumpen the appearance of those miniaturized hair, providing it with more volume.

These products temporarily thicken your individual hair strands. Thickening shampoo works best for thinning, thin, and fine hair.

Clarifying Shampoo

Hairstyling products such as creams and sprays lead to residue buildup. Clarifying shampoo products feature a high level of sodium lauryl sulfate that helps eradicate product buildup. It’s best for greasy and oily scalps, as well as individuals who use haircare and styling products.

Experts recommend using clarifying shampoos once after two weeks to sidestep damaging your natural hair strands and leading to scalp imbalances. Scalp imbalances result from a clarifying shampoo’s drying nature. Once you apply a clarifying shampoo, always follow up with a high-quality conditioner.

Chelating Shampoo

Much stronger compared to a clarifying shampoo, a chelating shampoo goes beyond the removal of dirt and oil. In addition to removing oil and dirt, a chelating shampoo also eliminates the chlorine, minerals, and metals that originate from hard water that most people use.

This type of shampoo features ingredients that help break the bond between your hair and mineral deposits. Phytic acid, sodium gluconate, and EDTA are some of the main components available in a chelating shampoo. While EDTA offers stability, it helps break down any mineral deposits available due to the use of hard water.

Sulfate-Free Shampoo

Sulfates are surfactants. They’re key in eliminating dirt and oil from the scalp. But they usually strip off natural oils, causing brittle and dry hair.

Also, sulfates lead to redness, itching, and dryness for individuals with curly, dry, and colored hair, as well as sensitive scalps. Due to this, many shampoo manufacturers are creating sulfate-free shampoo products.

These aren’t the only types of shampoos available. You’ll also find colored hair shampoo, volumizing shampoo, dry shampoo, organic shampoo, fine hair shampoo, and oily hair shampoo, among others. With the right shampoo type, you’ll enjoy the benefits of healthy, fuller hair.


Florance Siggers

Update: 2024-05-04